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【法规编号】 44382  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  (Cap 132, section 109)
  [11 November 1960] G.N.A. 132 of 1960
  (G.N.A. 102 of 1960)
  Cap 132BC s 1 (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
  Cap 132BC s 2 (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
  Cap 132BC s 3 Interpretation
  In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise requires-
  "Director" (署长) means the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services; (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  "keeper" (管理人员) means any person appointed under section 111 of the Ordinance to be a keeper of a pleasure ground;
  "pleasure ground" (游乐场地) means any public pleasure ground specified in the Fourth Schedule to the Ordinance, not being a bathing beach. (10 of 1986 s.32(2); 78 of 1999 s. 7)
  (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  Cap 132BC s 4 Hours of opening and closing
  Every enclosed pleasure ground shall be open to the public except between such hours and on such days as the Director may, from time to time, prescribe and notify by a notice conspicuously posted at each entrance thereto:
  Provided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to require any part of a pleasure ground to be opened to the public on any days or at any times when, in pursuance of any statutory provision in that behalf, the Director closes such pleasure ground or any part thereof to the public.
  (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  Cap 132BC s 5 Admission charges
  (1) Every member of the public on entering any pleasure ground shall pay the appropriate fee determined under section 124K of the Ordinance.
  (2) Every member of the public on entering any part of any pleasure ground which is being used by the Director for holding an entertainment shall pay such fee as determined under section 124K of the Ordinance in relation to that entertainment.
  (L.N. 168 of 1970; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
  Cap 132BC s 6 Persons not to enter closed pleasure grounds
  No member of the public shall enter or remain in any pleasure ground during any period when the pleasure ground is closed to the public in the manner provided in section 4, unless duly authorized by the keeper of the pleasure ground or by any other public officer having authority in that behalf.
  (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  Cap 132BC s 7 General behaviour
  No person while in any pleasure ground shall behave otherwise than in an orderly and decent manner or be otherwise than properly clothed.
  Cap 132BC s 8 Protection of property
  No person shall, in any pleasure ground-
  (a) wilfully or negligently deface, injure, soil or defile any wall or any fence in or enclosing the pleasure ground, or any building, barrier, railing, post, seat or boundary stone, or any erection or ornament of any kind whatever;
  (b) climb any wall or fence in or enclosing the pleasure ground, or any tree, or any barrier, railing, post or other erection; (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  (c) wilfully or negligently remove any implement or equipment provided for use in any pleasure ground; or (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  (d) light a fire other than in an area set aside by the Director for use by the public for cooking. (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  Cap 132BC s 9 Protection of grass and flower-beds
  No person shall, in any pleasure ground, walk, run, stand, sit or lie upon-
  (a) any grass, turf or other place where notice to keep off such grass, turf or other place is exhibited; or
  (b) any flower-bed, shrub or plant or any ground in course of preparation as a flower-bed or for the growth of any tree, shrub or plant.
  Cap 132BC s 10 Protection of growing plants
  No person shall, in any pleasure ground-
  (a) remove, cut or displace any soil, turf or plant;
  (b) pluck or damage any bud, blossom or leaf of any tree, shrub or plant, or damage any part of any tree, shrub or plant.
  Cap 132BC s 11 Protection of artificial lakes, ponds, birds and animals
  No person shall, in any pleasure ground-
  (a) bathe, wade or wash in any ornamental lake, pond, stream or water;
  (b) wilfully or negligently foul or pollute any such water;
  (c) take, injure, destroy or release, or attempt to take, injure, destroy or release, any fish in any such water, or wilfully disturb, worry or release any waterfowl;
  (d) wilfully displace or disturb, injure, destroy or remove any bird's nest or bird's eggs;
  (e) take, injure, destroy or release any bird, or spread or use any net, or set or use any snare or other engine, instrument or means, for the taking, injury, destruction or release of any bird;
  (f) wilfully disturb, harry or ill-treat any animal, bird or fish kept in any pleasure ground;
  (g) feed or attempt to feed any animal, bird or fish kept or found in any pleasure ground; or (L.N. 168 of 1976)
  (h) throw or place anything in any cage or in any enclosure not open to the public.
  (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  Cap 132BC s 12 Dogs
  (1) No person shall cause or suffer any dog or other pet animal belonging to him, or in his charge, to enter or remain in any pleasure ground, unless under proper control and effectively restrained from causing annoyance to any person, from worrying or disturbing any animal, bird or waterfowl and from entering any ornamental water.
  (2) Where in any pleasure ground there is placed a notice prohibiting dogs or prohibiting dogs except on a lead, no person shall bring any dog into or allow any dog to remain in such pleasure ground in contravention of the terms of such notice.
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