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【法规名称】 第2/2008号行政长官公告,命令公布一九五零年十二月十五日订於布鲁塞尔的《建立海关合作理事会的公约》及其相关附件的英文正...
【颁布时间】 2008-01-11
【法规编号】 67828  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  行政长官 何厚铧
  办公室代主任 白丽娴

  Convention Establishing a Customs Co-operation Council
  The Governments signatory to the present Convention,
  Considering it advisable to secure the highest degree of harmony and uniformity
  in their customs systems and especially to study the problems inherent in the development
  and improvement of customs technique and customs legislation in connection therewith,
  Convinced that it will be in the interests of international trade to promote
  co-operation between Governments in these matters, bearing in mind the economic
  and technical factors involved therein,
  Have agreed as follows:
  Article I
  A Customs Co-operation Council (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”) is
  hereby set up.
  Article II
  (a) The Members of the Council shall be:
  (i) the Contracting Parties to the present Convention;
  (ii) the Government of any separate customs territory which is proposed by a
  Contracting Party having responsibility for the formal conduct of its diplomatic
  relations, which is autonomous in the conduct of its external commercial relations
  and whose admission as a separate Member is approved by the Council.
  (b) Any Government of a separate customs territory, which is a Member of the
  Council under paragraph (a) (ii) above, shall cease to be a Member on notification
  to the Council of the withdrawal of its membership by the Contracting Party having
  responsibility for the formal conduct of its diplomatic relations.
  (c) Each Member shall nominate one delegate and one or more alternates to be
  its representatives on the Council. These representatives may be assisted by advisers.
  (d) The Council may admit representatives of non-member Governments or of international
  organisations in the capacity of observers.
  Article III
  The functions of the Council shall be:
  (a) to study all questions relating to co-operation in customs matters which
  the Contracting Parties agree to promote in conformity with the general purposes
  of the present Convention;
  (b) to examine the technical aspects, as well as the economic factors related
  thereto, of customs systems with a view to proposing to its Members practical means
  of attaining the highest possible degree of harmony and uniformity;
  (c) to prepare draft Conventions and amendments to Conventions and to recommend
  their adoption by interested Governments;
  (d) to make recommendations to ensure the uniform interpretation and application
  of the Conventions concluded as a result of its work as well as those concerning
  the Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs and the Valuation
  of Goods for Customs Purposes prepared by the European Customs Union Study Group
  and, to this end, to perform such functions as may be expressly assigned to it in
  those Conventions in accordance with the provisions thereof;
  (e) to make recommendations, in a conciliatory capacity, for the settlement of
  disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the Conventions referred
  to in paragraph (d) above in accordance with the provisions of those Conventions;
  the parties in dispute may agree in advance to accept the recommendations of the
  Council as binding;
  (f) to ensure the circulation of information regarding customs regulations and
  (g) on its own initiative or on request, to furnish to interested Governments
  information or advice on customs matters within the general purposes of the present
  Convention and to make recommendations thereon;
  (h) to co-operate with other inter-governmental organisations as regards matters
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